
Village Choir

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Posted 21 November 2017 - 09:07 PM

Oliver Broome directed a few volunteer singers in a Remembrance presentaton in November 2014 and saw the opportunity to form a choir.
The frst stuttering atempts at gettng villagers together as a small choir was in March 2015 when a small group rehearsed & sang in the "Mothering Sunday" Praise & Worship service.
Spasmodic rehearsals continued into early summer, resuming in September with a regular weekly rehearsal and a final "warm-up" before each service.
Those services are usually the "Praise & Worship" ones under the leadership of Jon Desborough, plus "Harvest Festval", Easter & Christmas, with additonal happy outdoor singing at village and privately organised events.

Although membership has fluctuated slightly, numbers have not yet exceeded 15. Oliver is proud that, despite the fact that very few of the members have had previous experience of singing in harmony, we have usually fielded a well-balanced choir.
New members will always be welcomed into our very informal group. There are no auditons or
membership fees and it is not necessary to have previous experience of choral singing.

We meet in the Music Room of Briarley Cotage, Bradford Peverell:
Fridays 6.30 to 7.30 pm.
"Warm-up" 45 minutes before each service.

About Oliver Broome (founder and choir master)
Oliver's whole working-life was as a professional musician – as conductor, coach & singer.
In the latter capacity his experience ranged from appearing in the Beatles' first flm : "A Hard Day’s Night" to singing as a soloist alongside Placido Domingo.

Further information
Please contact Oliver at or telephone 01305 251341